

  • Terada Torahiko, Thinker on Mysterious Phenomena
  • カイイ オ カタル テラダ トラヒコ



This paper discusses Terada Torahikoʼs view of mysterious phenomena. Terada, as a professional physicist, was interested in natural wonders and tried to study supernatural phenomena such as willo-oʼthe wisp, or ignis fattus. Terada often heard fairy tales or nursery rhymes about monsters from his neighbor when he was young. Thanks to these old tales, Terada took an interest in mysterious natural phenomena and began studying natural science to be a physician. From this personal experience, he recognized that folklore about monsters cultivates childrenʻs curiosity and imagination. In Teradaʼs younger days, he was taught literature by Natsume Soseki and wrote haiku. He composed fantastic haiku using monsters or animals with mysterious powers. Moreover, Terada wrote an original nursery tale about the Tengu, a long nosed goblin. Terada also wrote many essays on science to enlighten the public. Some of his essays dealt with strange incidents in ancient times. In his Kaii-ko (「怪異考」 Views of Mysterious Phenomena) and Bakemonono shinka (「化物の進化」 The Evolution of Monsters) he tried to explain several mysteries, such as echos (sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves) or The Goddess Peleʼs hair (fine threads of volcanic glass), using a modern science approach. Terada liked to read old documents on supernatural events as scientific data. According to Terada, past supernatural seemed to involve gods or magic, but they could be clarified by modern science. Teradaʼs essays are wide-ranging and still provide us with a lot of ideas.


  • 国際日本学

    国際日本学 21 3-26, 2024-02-10


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