Young Members Association of Japan Society for Healthcare Administration Project: First hospital tour report

  • Nakabe Takayo
    The Database Center of the National University Hospitals, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  • Hara Koji
    Graduate School of International Management, Yokohama City University
  • Tabuchi Hajime
    Victory Corporation Aijinkai Healthcare Corporation
  • Kojin Hiroyuki
    Department of Clinical Quality and Medical Safety Management, University of Yamanashi Hospital
  • Matoba Masaaki
    Department of Health Management, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Showa University
  • Kameda Yoshihito
    Department of Public Health, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Ito Ayano
    Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • Honda Ryuji
    Graduate School of International Management, Yokohama City University

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Other Title
  • 若手会員の会企画:第1回病院見学ツアー活動報告
  • ワカテ カイイン ノ カイ キカク:ダイ1カイ ビョウイン ケンガク ツアー カツドウ ホウコク

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<p>In 2022, the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration (JSHA) launched the Young Members Association (YMA) for exchange and study among young members, presentation of their achievements, and career development. As an activity of the YMA, we conducted the first hospital tour at Toho University Medical Center Ohashi Hospital. Thirteen individuals, including graduate students, medical professionals, and researchers, participated in the tour, comprising lectures by the administrative director, deputy director, and others, a hospital tour, and group discussions. Ohashi Hospital downsized from 433 to 319 beds with relocation, and efforts and design innovations were made to achieve high turnover and unit price. Consequently, the tour participants deepened their learning on architecture and management. Simultaneously, they gained new perspectives and suggestions for future activities by exchanging with other participants from different backgrounds. The YMA will continue to plan hospital tours and other events to promote the development of the JSHA.</p>


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