- Efraín Villamor Herrero
- サラマンカ大学大学院修了,博士(文学)
- タイトル別名
- The Foundation of <i>Avijjā</i>: Focusing on <i>avijjā</i> and <i>vijjā</i> in Pre-Buddhist Brahminic Texts and the Pāli Canon
- Avijjaの形成について : 仏教以前のバラモン文献とパーリ仏典におけるavijjaとvijjaを中心に
- Avijja ノ ケイセイ ニ ツイテ : ブッキョウ イゼン ノ バラモン ブンケン ト パーリ ブッテン ニ オケル avijja ト vijja オ チュウシン ニ
<p>In Buddhist philosophy, avijjā is stated to be the root cause of all suffering. However, in accordance with the Correspondence Principle, the concept of avijjā in Pāli Buddhist scriptures is not regarded within the category of realism (Kumoi 1975). Furthermore, this term it is not exclusive to Buddhism, since in the early Upaniṣads, avidyā was also a subject of discussion, in contrast with Brahmavidyā, understood as the most holy wisdom which brings gnosis of Brahman, according to Brahmanical thinkers. This study argues that the foundation of avijjā in Buddhism, which is deeply connected in the Pāli Canon with the Four Noble Truths and the teachings of the Five Aggregates, is the result of the adaptation of Brahminical gnostic thought to legitimate these Buddhist doctrines as the knowledge that entails the realization of the ultimate truth.</p>
- 印度學佛教學研究
印度學佛教學研究 72 (1), 480-477, 2023-12-20
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390301408039467136
- AN00018579
- 18840051
- 00194344
- 033252023
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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