Blocking techniques of elite center position players in volleyball:


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Other Title
  • バレーボールにおける一流センタープレイヤーのブロックに関する研究
  • Focusing on the “split steps in combination attacks other than quick attacks”
  • -「除クイック時のスプリットステップ」に着目して-


<p>    The present study used mixed methods research to examine “split step blocking during of not involved in an opposing quick attacks, a volleyball technique used by elite center players. The results will assist players and coaches aiming to improve blocking performance. <BR>    As a result, <BR>・In the example of Kitagawa, he emphasizes “anticipation” but blocks while complexly utilizing both “anticipation” and “observation.” The right 2nd tempo attacks that has a time margin, “anticipates” a move and then makes “observations” to determine the ball’s trajectory, thereby likely executing a more reliable blocking maneuver by planting both feet on the ground in the split step position. Unlike the right 2nd tempo attacks, the left 2nd tempo attacks have a smaller time margin and may therefore choose to plant both feet on the ground in the split step position by forcing their body to react to the “anticipated” move. <BR>・Tomimatsu, meanwhile, “anticipated” the trajectory of the ball from visual information, information in the game, and especially the state of the setter, immediately before the setter tossed up the ball, and blocked the attack by forcing his body to react to the “anticipated” move. Furthermore, if he correctly “anticipates” a move during a situation where the opposing center player does not take part in a quick attack for some reason, he might also be able to take part in a blocking maneuver in the event of an incorrectly “anticipated” move by quickly changing his direction of travel through kicking out the opposite leg.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • Abstract License Flag

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