

  • Formation of the Scriptures Traditionally Regarded as Translated by Śubhakarasiṃha
  • ゼン ムイ カタク ノ ケイキセイリツ カテイ ニ ツイテ



<p>This paper examines the seven scriptures which are traditionally regarded as translated by Śubhakarasiṃha and finds that there are some stages of development in those translations as follows:</p><p>1. The meditation practices of the Zunsheng yigui 尊勝儀軌 and Cishi yigui 慈氏儀軌 are based upon that of the Guangda yigui 広大儀軌, with the addition of some elements of the Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha.</p><p>2. The maṇḍalas of the Sanzhong xidi gui 三種悉地軌 and the Po diyu gui 破地獄軌 have the maṇḍalas of the five elements in the center and the deities of the Vajradhātumaṇḍala surrounding them.</p><p>3. The three versions of the Po diyu yigui 破地獄儀軌 teach a homology of the five syllables, which symbolize the five elements, with the five viscera, the five Tathāgatas, etc. Ideas of the native Chinese Yinyang Wuxing 陰陽五行 are also found in the Sanzhong xidi gui 三種悉地軌.</p>


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