Consideration of the Factors that Induce the Human Error of the Pedestrian Accident Based on Steering at Right Turn in the Intersection with Traffic Lights

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  • 右折時の操舵に着目した信号交差点歩行者事故におけるヒューマンエラーを誘発する要因の考察
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The characteristic scenario of the Hiyari-Hatto event (i.e., a near-miss incident) wherein a driver is making a right turn is extracted from the Near-Miss Incident Database created by the Smart Mobility Research Center of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. It is confirmed that in this scenario, there exists a human error: the driver does not notice the pedestrian although it is clearly visible. In this paper, examined about the mechanism of the human error based on the relation between driver’s attention and eye movement, and effect of mental calculation task on driver’s steering operation using driving simulator.


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