Superconducting maglev for superhigh-speed transportation

  • Hiroyuki OHSAKI
    The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Department of Advanced Energy

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  • 超伝導で移動する―超電導リニア新幹線―
  • チョウデンドウ デ イドウ スル チョウデンドウリニア シンカンセン

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<p>The superconducting maglev transportation system has the advantage of superhigh-speed operation with a lower noise and a higher efficiency. Since April 1997, the running tests of the system have been carried out at the Yamanashi maglev test line. It is understood that the superconducting maglev will be used for Chuo Shinkansen, the Tokaido Shinkansen Bypass connecting three major metropolitan areas in Japan. The start of the revenue service between Tokyo and Nagoya areas in 2027 is of particularly high interest to the public. Future technical development may bring the introduction of high-temperature superconducting magnets to the system. This paper presents the overview of superconducting maglev technology and the recent situation of Chuo Shinkansen development for revenue service.</p>


  • Oyo Buturi

    Oyo Buturi 80 (5), 403-406, 2011-05-10

    The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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