

  • An Application of Program Evaluation for an ODA Technical Cooperation Project: A Case of <i>School-based Disaster Education Project in Turkey</i>
  • ODA ギジュツ キョウリョク プロジェクト ニ オケル プログラム ヒョウカ ノ ココロミ : トルココク ボウサイ キョウイク プロジェクト オ ジレイ ニ



<p>JICA evaluates its ODA projects based on the DAC framework of evaluation by using an external evaluation team in order to keep transparency and objectivity. Recently, JICA has modified its evaluation scheme and puts more emphasis on an internal monitoring instead of external evaluation. Considering the nature of technical cooperation projects, an internal monitoring is more suitable for the project improvement as the targets of these projects are human beings, which can change dynamically during the project period, and the project needs to be developed continuously in accordance with the change of the targets.</p><p>A theory of program evaluation provides the useful concept for the project improvement, not only at the stage of “C” in the PDCA cycle, but also at all stages of the project. Therefore, this paper applies the program evaluation theory to a specific case of an ODA technical cooperation project, named “School-Based Disaster Education Project in Turkey,” to analyze how this framework of program evaluation works for the project betterment, in particular for the project which aims at human development and which assumes dynamic change of the targets. In this study, authors collected data three times, which were baseline, mid-term and end-line, based on surveys and interviews. The data were analyzed statistically and qualitatively to produce the feedback for the project. Instead of reporting the details of statistical analyses, this paper focused on examining the evaluation design by referring to the program evaluation theory.</p><p>Through the case analyses of evaluation activities, this paper found that the program evaluation theory is conformable to the projects for human development. This paper also drew the lessons from the case study as follows:</p><p>(1) In order to increase effectiveness and efficiency, the project needs to include the feedback system in the evaluation activities.</p><p>(2) To increase effectiveness and impact, the project needs to conduct experimental-designed social surveys in an appropriate timing.</p><p>(3) To increase sustainability, the project needs to allocate evaluation experts or personnel cooperatively both in the Japanese team and the counterpart side.</p>


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