
  • 政木 哲也
  • 長坂 大


  • 京都市山科区および伏見区東部の団地の共用空間と地蔵盆の多様性について : 公的賃貸住宅団地の共用空間と習俗に関する考察(その2)
  • キョウトシ ヤマシナク オヨビ フシミク トウブ ノ ダンチ ノ キョウヨウ クウカン ト ジゾウボン ノ タヨウセイ ニ ツイテ : コウテキ チンタイ ジュウタク ダンチ ノ キョウヨウ クウカン ト シュウゾク ニ カンスル コウサツ(ソノ 2)
  • A study on manners and common space of public housing Part2
  • 公的賃貸住宅団地の共用空間と習俗に関する考察 その2



<p> In this study, we have surveyed the distribution and spatial spread of Jizo-bon (ceremony of Jizo =stone statue of a Buddhist god) found within the limits of public housing located in eastern suburb of Kyoto city, and analyzed them in order to consider the nature of common space used for ceremonies held by the residents. Jizo-bon is a ritual ceremony common mainly in the Kansai area, held in 24th August, the ceremonial day of Jizo-bosatsu (A god of Buddhism). While Jizo-bon is composed by several events, the most important section is the Buddhist chant and lecture provided by the priest. In the ceremony, prayers will gather around the Jizo to pray with the priest. Our study focuses on the behavior of this ceremonial area.</p><p> Jizo-bon inside public housing is still largely unexplored; a field research was conducted in order to clarify the present condition of every Jizo-bon held inside public housing in the eastern suburb of Kyoto city. The scope of the survey was aimed at public housings located in Yamashina-ward and eastern Fushimi-ward. The history of this area is relatively short compared to central Kyoto. Urban development experienced rapid growth in the post WW2 era and during the high economic growth period. Major housing development led the growth of population of this suburban area. In our last study, we have pointed out these suburban areas are the specific areas in Kyoto where large amount of Danchi-nai-Jizo (Jizo inside public housing) were found. Research of Jizo-bon in this area will highlight the traditional manners within the modern habitation environment.</p><p> Jizo-bon was identified in 17 public housings, out of 19 (with Danchi-nai-Jizo). 11 were found in Yamashina ward and 6 were in the eastern Fushimi area. There was a clear correlation between the housings with Danchi-nai-Jizo and the ceremony. We confirmed that these Danchi-nai-Jizo were mainly placed for the Jizo-bon festival. We found three pattern types identified based on its position, “Open-air”, “Pilotis”, and “Halls”. These types were derived through analysis of chronological configuration. In massive housings built by the early 70s, small sized “Open-air” Jizo-bon, the ceremony held outdoors at the Jizo location, were typical. During this era, social interest of Jizo-bon grew throughout the city, and the performance of ceremonies become bigger and grander in scale. Jizo-bon in “Halls”, the ceremony performed indoors of the hall in public housing, were found during this era. Public housing built in each era tend to carry and maintain their own Jizo-bon until today. This explains the various forms of Jizo-bon we see.</p><p> Spatial analysis of the ceremonial areas within common space brought out two specific behaviors; “diverse” and “traverse”. “Diverse” explains the original purpose and function of common space diverted into ceremonial use. “Traverse” explains the crossover use of various common space, while temporarily neutralizing the borders within. The loose articulation among the common space sustains the use of various Jizo-bon in public housings.</p><p> Tents, mats and lanterns are usually placed around the Jizo during the ceremony. These temporary elements make the everyday common space into the ritual space. This shows that Jizo-bon in public housing is an event that the common space overlaps the extraordinary.</p><p> In conclusion, it is safe to say that loose articulation found among common space in public housings, carries and sustains the various ways of common use by the community, such as the Jizo-bon.</p>


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