
  • 山本 直輝
    京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 日本学術振興会


  • Taṣawwuf as Ethics according to İmâm Birgivî
  • イマーム ・ ビルギヴィー ニ オケル リンリ ノ ガク ト シテ ノ タサウウフ



<p>İmâm Birgivî (d. 981/1573) is universally recognized to have inspired the seventeenth century Islamic reform movement called the Ḳadzadeli movement. Several studies have been conducted on this movement ; however, little is known about Birgivî's thoughts, especially his attitude towards Taṣawwuf (Sufism), and therefore, discussion on this particular topic is difficult. This paper aims to discuss Birgivî's concept of Taṣawwuf and its link to social ethics. Birgivî's Taṣawwuf firmly followed the Quran, Sunna and Shaī‘ra, and he strongly condemned the deviated Sufis who never respected these laws. In his magnum opus al-Ṭarīqa al-Muḥammadyah (The Path of Muḥammad), he emphasizes the importance of controlling outer Muslim practices and the inner heart, stating that the latter is of utmost importance for all Muslims, since the heart is where all deeds originate. Birgivî's Taṣawwuf focuses on these ethical aspects. To provide an elaborate discussion on Birgivî's perspective of Taṣawwuf, this paper focuses on his criticism not only against Sufis but also against the 'ulama' (jurists). Birgivî tackled the issue of asking money in return for reciting the Quran, which often caused a judicial problem between the people and 'ulama'. He denied its legitimacy not only from a strict Hanafi perspective but also from the perspective of Taṣawwuf stating that the corruption of the hearts of the 'ulama' was behind the issue. He believed that a "true" Sufi who deals with the science of ethics (ilm al-akhlāq) could fix this corruption. This study shows that Birgivî's discourse on Taṣawwuf is not limited to the discussion of the thoughts and practices of Sufis but it also covers judicial issues. Birgivî believed that a Sufi is someone who has mastered the science of ethics, and who attempts to solve various social issues related to the inner corruptions of Muslims.</p>


  • オリエント

    オリエント 59 (1), 27-39, 2016-09-30

    一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会

参考文献 (1)*注記




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