• SUZUKI Tatsunori
    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 港湾研究部 港湾施工システム・保全研究室
  • IYAMA Shigeru
    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 港湾研究部 港湾施工システム・保全研究室
  • SAKATA Kenji
    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 港湾研究部 港湾施工システム・保全研究室
  • MURATA Megumi
    国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 港湾研究部 港湾施工システム・保全研究室
  • YOSHIDA Eiji
    元国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 港湾研究部 港湾施工システム・保全研究室 現 若築建設(株)東京本社 建設事業部門 土木部

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • ICT浚渫工(港湾)における適正な取得点密度の検討


<p> “ICT dredging” in harbor field is one of “i-Construction” measures promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and dredging construction fully using ICT, such as the multibeam echo sounder bathymetric survey. The quality has improved by using the multibeam echo sounder bathymetric survey because it can survey all sea area, the unmeasured area is smaller than the singlebeam echo sounder bathymetric survey, and the soil volume can be calculated more accurately than “average cross section method”, which was used before. On the other hand, the multibeam echo sounder bathymetric survey surveying currently in operation can not be said to have achieved productivity in terms of time and cost for operating the data instead of the singlebeam echo sounder bathymetric survey. Based on these, the standards for the multibeam echo sounder bathymetric survey developed in fiscal 2017 was revised in fiscal 2018, but similar problems still remain. In this study, we prose to improve productivity by optimizing the standard of the acquisition point density for the multibeam echo sounder bathymetric survey.</p>


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