Examination of precipitation and sedimentation in quantity-restricted cold aqueous suspensions of granular Japanese herbal extracts commonly used during palliative and supportive care

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  • MATSUOKA Yuriko
    Department of Anesthesiology, National Hospital Organization Osaka Toneyama Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
    Department of Anesthesiology, Shiga University of Medical Science

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  • がんの支持療法や緩和医療における漢方薬治療―低温少量水での漢方エキス顆粒の懸濁時沈殿率について―
  • ガン ノ シジ リョウホウ ヤ カンワ イリョウ ニ オケル カンポウヤク チリョウ : テイオン ショウリョウスイ デ ノ カンポウ エキス カリュウ ノ ケンダクジ チンデンリツ ニ ツイテ

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<p>Purpose: To ensure controlled dosage of Japanese herbal medicines given in small quantities of water, sedimentation must be minimized. When anorexia or nausea are present, medicinal-extract suspensions in cold water are consumed more easily; finding no reports on this, we examined how sedimentation of different medications varied in icy-cold to lukewarm water. Method: Into separate 20 ml syringes, each containing 15 ml of distilled water at either 0℃, 20℃ or 40℃, we dropped half a sachet of each of 24 types of herbal extract granules. At just after and 5 min after suspension, the samples were agitated for 1 min; at 10 min after suspension, sedimentation was measured. Results: At 0℃ and 20℃, nine formulations showed no more sedimentation than at 40℃; of these, one had no macroscopic sedimentation at any sampling temperature. Conclusion: Some Japanese herbal formulations may be effectively administered in cool and cold water.</p>


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