Panoramic view of the systems and information science and technology field

  • AOKI Takashi
    Japan Science and Technology Agency, Center for Research and Development Strategy

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  • システム・情報科学技術分野の俯瞰
  • システム ・ ジョウホウ カガク ギジュツ ブンヤ ノ フカン

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<p>The Systems and Information Science and Technology Unit is a unit that takes wide view of information processing technology (IT) at Center for Research and Development Strategy of Japan Science and Technology Agency. This paper describes the process for creating the panoramic view report issued in March 2019. IT research and development areas are classified based on social demands, social visions and technology trends, then 20 important themes are chosen by looking at the four categories, namely, artificial intelligence / big data, robotics, social systems science, and computing architecture. While the panoramic view report was written by members of the System and Information Science and Technology Unit, we aim for a highly convincing one by seeking input from outside experts and repeating discussions with them.</p>


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