Discussion about the motion of each body part by Men-strike of kendo

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  • 剣道の正面打ちにおける各身体部位の動作についての検討


<p>A motion capture is also a technique to record the movement of a real person and object digitally. We analyzed the behavior of Kendo using motion capture system and force plate. As a content, it is about the motion of each body part in the Men-strike. As a result, I was able to analyze the characteristics of the position of the wrist and how to carry the foot. It was possible to visualize the behavior of each subject, it is considered to be effective in the scene of guidance. They will be able to understand their own characteristics and lead to higher levels. Also, it was possible to summarize the muscle-tendon complex when delving in the motion of the Men-strike. It was confirmed that the vastus lateral muscle and the semimembranosus functioned greatly in any subject. In this way, we plan to establish a new method of guidance.</p>


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