The Relationships among Classroom Teachers' Humor Expressions, Pupils' School Morale and the Element of School Satisfaction

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  • 担任教員のユーモア表出と児童のスクール・モラールおよび学級満足度との関係
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between elementary school homeroom teacher's humor expression and children's mental aspects such as adaptation, volition and so on, in students' class life. In this study, with a scale for measuring the behavior of teacher's humor of elementary school (Kawamura, Musashi, & Kawamura, 2015), we empirically examined the relationship between students' school satisfaction and school morale in each three types of the teacher's humor expressions that students perceive. Furthermore, we empirically examined features of elementary school homeroom teacher's humor expressions that students perceive in his/her class in each status type of class groups. The participants were 596 elementary school students (male 300, female 296) at two public elementary schools. The results showed that pupils in the conductive group positively and highly recognized teachers' two types of humor, namely “enjoyment-evoking humor” and “encouraging humor” more than pupils in the other groups.


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