Assessment Method for QC Circle as Knowledge Activity

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  • 知的活動としてのQCサークルの評価方法
  • チテキ カツドウ ト シテ ノ QC サークル ノ ヒョウカ ホウホウ

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Now it is getting more important for companies to utilize own intellectual capital in business, because they have to make innovation through their knowledge activities and create new value for achieving competitive advantage. Such knowledge activity needs suitable assessment of intellectual capital to be increased and promoted by rotating management cycle (PDCA). Japanese QC circle is considered as a sort of knowledge activity where new knowledge is created and knowledge is shared in the company. Therefore, it looks important to appropriately assess the change of intellectual capital brought about by QC circle activity and to feed back, but existing assessment is mainly focused on financial effect of the activity. This article proposes new metrics of knowledge assessment focusing on the intellectual capital aspect of QC circle activity as knowledge activity, that may be useful for revitalizing QC circle activity from viewpoints not only of financial effect but also of intellectual capital aspect.


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