Ammonium Nitrogen Releasing from Kaolin-Dominant Soil in Leyte of the Philippines

  • LINIA Suzette Binongo
    Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • OKAZAKI Masanori
    Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • KIMURA Sonoko Dorothea
    Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
    Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • IGURA Masato
    Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • QUEVEDO Marcelo A.
    Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center(PhilRootcrops), Visayas State University
  • LORETO Alan B.
    Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center(PhilRootcrops), Visayas State University
  • MARISCAL Algerico M.
    Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center(PhilRootcrops), Visayas State University

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Laboratory experiments on ammonium (NH_4^+-N) releasing from lowland (Soil 1) and upland (Soil 0) soils classified as Eutropepts in Leyte of the Philippines were studied to evaluate its response to urea type fertilizers with different NH_4^+-N releasing time. Although the X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated a dominant presence of kaolin group minerals, halloysite or kaolinite was not clearly identified under the scanning electron microscope. Both Soil 1 and Soil 0 samples possessed variable charge. Without fertilizer and totally anaerobic condition, the highest NH_4^+-N amount in soils was observed at two- week incubation. Applications of common urea and slow-release urea: Meister 40 and Meister 70 (M40 and M70 are expected to release 80 % of their nitrogen at 400 days and 700 days at 20℃, respectively) to lowland soil samples significantly released a larger amount of NH_4^+-N than the upland soil. In addition, at 84 days, the rate of release of NH_4^+-N from the slow-release fertilizers evaluated was enhanced by increasing the temperature condition to 30℃. The low selective adsorption capacity of NH_4^+-N in kaolin group minerals found in the lowland and upland soils, as well as the variable charge of the soil containing a slightly negative charges should be considered when planning N fertilization to avoid losses of large amounts of unutilized N especially to perennial crops whose N requirement might be lower at early growth.


  • Pedologist

    Pedologist 52 (2), 107-117, 2008-12-31

    Japanese Society of Pedology


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