A Study on Well-being Indicator Identified by Urban Poor in the Philippines from the Focus Group Discussion in a Suburb of Metro Manila
- ODAGAWA Hanako
- 同志社大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程
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- Other Title
- フィリピンにおける都市貧困住民のWell-being指標についての試論 : マニラ郊外でのフォーカス・グループ・ディスカッションから
- フィリピン ニ オケル トシ ヒンコン ジュウミン ノ Well being シヒョウ ニ ツイテ ノ シロン マニラ コウガイ デ ノ フォーカス グループ ディスカッション カラ
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The progress of urban development and housing projects promoted by international development aid does not necessarily improve the living conditions of urban poor. The development projects need to address problems and preferable living conditions identified by urban poor based on their own perspective. The local perspective is essential for the participatory development by the local people as well. Therefore, this study aims to identify the well-being indicators and living conditions through focus group discussion (FGD) by the residents of an urban poor community in the suburb of Metro Manila, Philippines. The research locale was a huge resettlement site that was prepared for the relocated families due to an urban development project inside the Metro Manila. As a result of the FGD, diverse phases of life such as income, diet, education, housing, sanitation, recreation, safety and medical services were identified as indicators. Among these, income and security of tenure were especially prioritized. And it was also revealed that a slightly higher level from the official minimum standards was desired, however, the reality of their life was lower than the minimum standards.
- Japanese Journal of Social Welfare
Japanese Journal of Social Welfare 44 (3), 42-51, 2004-03-31
Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare (JSSSW)
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390564237998254848
- NII Article ID
- 110008093489
- NII Book ID
- AN00314800
- 24242608
- 09110232
- 6902444
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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