Establishing an Organization for the Empowerment of Poor Women through Grameen Bank

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  • グラミン銀行による貧困女性の組織化とエンパワメント
  • グラミン ギンコウ ニ ヨル ヒンコン ジョセイ ノ ソシキカ ト エンパワメント

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This study aims to examine the process of organizing a shamity (village organization) which is central to the concept of providing microfinance to poor women through Grameen Bank. We also examine the changes in the lifestyles of poor women who availed of microfinance and their family members of S village in Daudkandi Thana, Kumilla District. Our research is based on the previous studies and our interviews conducted during the year 1997-2010. Grameen Bank has encouraged the formation of a shamity and the efficient use of microfinance in S village since 1991. It was not easy to organize a shamity because most of the poor women had never ventured beyond their bali (front yard) or outside the village. Moreover, until 1991, they had very few interactions with outsiders in the absence of their family members or relatives. Furthermore most poor women had to be confined within their households and be economically and socially dependent on their husbands. Marked changes were observed in women who participated in income generating activities: since they organized their shamity, they gradually increased their income, developed their skills, raised awareness and also expanded their areas of activity. Further, women's empowerment had a positive impact on their household status or role and decision making power (the right of decision-making) apart from improving the lives of their children, and the overall literacy and educational levels. We concluded that, not only the intervention of Grameen Bank but also traditional mutual support is necessary for empowering poor women and organizing a shamity in this village.


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