High Accuracy Contouring Control by Quadrant Glitch Compensation for a Feed Drive System Using Eight Grooved Linear Ball Bearing System

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  • 8条リニアボールガイドを用いた送り駆動系における象限突起補正による高精度輪郭制御


<p>This paper describes the results of nano-order accuracy contouring control by quadrant glitch compensation for a feed drive system with eight grooved linear ball guide. Three kinds of compensation methods are applied and compared in this study. Those are; 1) repetitive control technique, 2) disturbance observer, and 3) combination of the both. As the results of experiment, the first method decreases the height of quadrant glitch to 0.5 nm by 5 times repetitive compensations. The second method also decrease the height of quadrant glitches to 2 nm, and the third method also can decrease the height to 0.5 nm with repetitive compensation at first time. It is confirmed that the nano-order contouring accuracy can be achieved by combination of the eight grooved linear ball guide and quadrant glitch compensations.</p>


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