Chopper Spectrometer (2)

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  • チョッパー分光器(2)-非弾性散乱実験の観測領域の拡大に向けて-
  • 中性子実験装置 J-PARC編(5)チョッパー分光器(2)非弾性散乱実験の観測領域の拡大に向けて
  • チュウセイシ ジッケン ソウチ J-PARCヘン(5)チョッパー ブンコウキ(2)ヒダンセイ サンラン ジッケン ノ カンソク リョウイキ ノ カクダイ ニ ムケテ
  • – Toward the Expansion of Observation Area in Inelastic Neutron Scattering –

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<p>The High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer (HRC) was installed and is being operated at BL12 of J-PARC/MLF to study condensed matter dynamics with high resolutions using relatively high energy neutrons. The Polarized Neutron Spectrometer (POLANO) is being constructed at BL23 to utilize polarized neutrons for dynamical studies. We hope that these two chopper spectrometers provide an opportunity to expand the observation area in inelastic neutron scattering experiments by using high energy neutrons and polarized neutrons with a good sample environment.</p>


  • hamon

    hamon 25 (1), 52-59, 2015

    The Japanese Society for Neutron Science


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