Improvement of Interfacial Adhesion Strength and MechanicalProperties of CFRP by Fabricated with Modified Matrix byAdding Nano Fibers
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Doshisha University
- OKUBO Kazuya
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisha University
- OBUNAI Kiyotaka
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisha University
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- Other Title
- 母材へのナノ繊維添加によるCFRP の界面接着強度および機械的特性の改善
- ボザイ エ ノ ナノ センイ テンカ ニ ヨル CFRP ノ カイメン セッチャク キョウド オヨビ キカイテキ トクセイ ノ カイゼン
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<p>This paper reviews the techniques for improving the interfacial adhesion strength of carbon fiber reinforcedplastics( CFRPs), especially the modification of resin matrix by adding the nano fibers is explained. Toimprove the interfacial adhesion strength between carbon fiber and matrix, many approaches have beenconducted, such as surface modification of carbon fiber, chemical treatment. In this paper, our recent studiesfor improving the interfacial adhesion strength of CFRPs by adding the cellulose nano fibers( CNFs) to itsmatrix are introduced. Two types of CNFs in which only fiber length was different, were added to the epoxymatrix of CFRPs for investigating effect of the fiber length on its interfacial adhesion strength and mechanicalproperties. Test results showed that the interfacial adhesion strength between matrix and carbon fiber wasimproved by the modification. However, there is no significant difference in adhesion strength betweendifferent lengths of CNFs. In contrast, the bending properties were improved with increase of the length ofadded CNFs. Bridging of CNFs between carbon fibers was observed on the fractured surface after fatigue testswhen the longer CNFs were added. It was suggested that the bridging of CNFs might be effective to improvethe interfacial adhesion strength between carbon fiber and matrix.</p>
- Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan
Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan 54 (11), 402-409, 2018-11-01
The Adhesion Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390564238051921664
- NII Article ID
- 130007527881
- NII Book ID
- AN10341672
- 21874816
- 09164812
- 029369031
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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