Youth labour market policies and welfare state reform:

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  • 日本とイギリスにおける若年就労支援政策と福祉国家再編
  • ニホン ト イギリス ニ オケル ジャクネン シュウロウ シエン セイサク ト フクシ コッカ サイヘン
  • A case study of Japan and the UK

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<p>Globalization, an aging society, transition from an industrialized society to post-industrial society has brought new challenges to the traditional welfare state. “New social risks” such as long-term unemployment, low-skilled precarious work, having a family member in need of care, and being a lone parent are areas in which the traditional welfare state fails to meet adequately. Youths are considered to be one of the most vulnerable groups toward such “new social risks”. <br>  This article examines youth employment policies in Japan and the UK since the late 1990s. Although both countries focus on “activating” the youth, Japan concentrates on “self-help”, whereas the UK puts emphasis on “autonomy”. I argue that such differences are brought by the partisan profile of the government in power. By examining the policy programs of each country and then through a cross-national comparison, I illustrate how policy orientation of the party-of-theday affects policy programs.</p>



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