Fixation of Self-Assembled Monolayer Particles Using Cellulose-Nanofibers and Adhesion Measurement

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  • セルロースナノファイバーによる単層整列微粒子の固定化とその付着力測定


<p>Close-packed structures of fine particle can be obtained by self-assembly process aiming at various applications such as gas sensors. However, the particles are retained on the substrate with weak attractive forces, and thus the application field of the structure is limited. This study proposes a method to produce composite structure of silica particles and cellulose nanofibers (CNF). Gravity sedimentation method was applied to produce close-packed silica particle monolayer and CNF layer on the top of the particles. This combination aims at fixation of particles with hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl group on silica particles and CNF. The adhesion force of the particle was measured by peeling a particle with a microprobe and measuring the deflection of the probe of which stiffness is known.</p>



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