A Study on Person-centered Planning in the Transition Process of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities from Institutions to Community Homes in Ontario, Canada ――The Support of Self-determination as Departing from the Model of Congregate Settings――

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  • カナダ・オンタリオ州の知的障害者の地域生活への移行における本人中心プランニング――集団処遇的モデルからの脱却としての自己決定支援――
  • カナダ ・ オンタリオシュウ ノ チテキ ショウガイシャ ノ チイキ セイカツ エ ノ イコウ ニ オケル ホンニン チュウシン プランニング : シュウダン ショグウテキ モデル カラ ノ ダッキャク ト シテ ノ ジコ ケッテイ シエン

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<p>This study clarified the background under which the organization, Community Living St. Marys and Areas, in Ontario, Canada introduced person-centered planning and how the organization carried out the planning in the process of transition from institutions to community homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The results are as follows.</p><p>At first, 1) Training on person-centered planning was carried out by normalization educators and had much influence. 2) The social movement of People First begun during the 1980s was also influential.</p><p>Secondly, 1) Person-centered planning was implemented that put an emphasis on identifying who the individual is in the community based upon the strength model. 2) Values were put on building informal relationships based upon reciprocity such as who is welcoming individuals to their communities. 3) Negotiations were carried out with the Ontario provincial government to get necessary funding and this funding was individualized in the process of realizing the plan. 4) By not being based upon congregate settings such as group homes and sheltered workshops, the opportunities were guaranteed for individuals with intellectual disabilities to participate in the decisionmaking process important for their lives such as residential settings, daily activities, personal assistants and content of support.</p>


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