Analysis of the Influence of Meteorological Factors to COD Fluctuation in Multi- Timescale for Closely Located Lakes
- NAKAMURA Tetsuya
- 公益財団法人リバーフロント研究所
- YAMADA Tadashi
- 中央大学理工学部都市環境学科
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- Other Title
- 近接した3湖沼における複数タイムスケールのCOD変動に対する気象要因の影響解析
- キンセツ シタ 3 コショウ ニ オケル フクスウ タイムスケール ノ COD ヘンドウ ニ タイスル キショウ ヨウイン ノ エイキョウ カイセキ
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Three closely located lakes, namely Teganuma, Inbanuma and Kasumigaura, are located in Tonegawa basin, and their water qualities are influenced by similar weather condition.By analyzing the fluctuations of daily, monthly, and annual average water quality of these lakes, similarity is found by similar weather condition and individuality is found by characteristics of each lake. Daily COD of lake Teganuma raises by sunshine and rainfall, and decreases after rainfall.Daily COD of Kasumigaura raises by strong winds. Monthly COD of Teganuma and Kasumigaura raise in spring, and that of Innbanuma raises in summer. Fluctuations of annual average COD of 3 lakes are influenced by annual sunshine and annual rainfall.
- Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research)
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research) 74 (5), I_133-I_138, 2018
Japan Society of Civil Engineers