Spawning rate estimation and histological characteristics of post-spawning ovaries of the sergestid shrimp <I>Lucensosergia lucens</I> based on shipboard spawning experiments

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  • 船上の産卵実験によるサクラエビの産卵率の推定と産卵個体の卵巣の組織学的特徴
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To assess their stock of sergestid shrimp Lucensosergia lucens, the spawning fraction (number of females spawning per day) should be estimated. Therefore, we studied the spawning rate of mature females using shipboard spawning experiments, and described the histological characteristics of ovaries after spawning. Spawning rates ranged from approximately 40% to 80% and were negatively affected by body size of females and sea water temperature. Histological examinations showed that mature oocytes were completely released or non-ovulated oocytes were present in the spawned ovaries. Based on these characteristics, we were able to determine spawning fraction.


  • Aquaculture Science

    Aquaculture Science 66 (1), 11-16, 2018

    Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science

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