Data-embedding Technology to Printed Image

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  • 印刷画像への情報埋め込み技術
  • インサツ ガゾウ エ ノ ジョウホウ ウメコミ ギジュツ

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<p>Two-dimensional codes have often been used for retrieving information such as URLs from printed matter including magazines or advertisements by using a cellular phone or a smartphone. In the two-dimensional codes the QR code is very popular. However, since the two-dimensional codes have the appearance of random patterns, their use deteriorates the appearance of the printed matter. Therefore, the embedding of information in printed images for data retrieval has attracted attention. The embedding technique has been based on digital watermarking. From a technical viewpoint, the severe effect of printers or image capture devices should be considered. In this paper, we will present an overview of such a technique, including its requirements, its technological issues, and the several proposed methods, including our proposed methods.</p>


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