Relaxation, EEGs and the Autonomic Nerve System

  • KAWANO Kimiko
    Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute

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Other Title
  • リラックスと脳波そして自律神経
  • (Proceedings,The 30th Symposium on Life Information Science)
  • (講演要旨,第30回生命情報科学シンポジウム)

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EEG alpha waves are very popular as an indicator of relaxation. Mass media reports are fond of using the alpha waves for scientific evidence, so many misunder-standings there can be found. The term alpha wave is rather arbitrarily used instead of the term of relaxation. In the relaxed state, parasympathetic nerves are often dominant. Therefore, some people believe that alpha waves activate the parasympathetic nerves, while others believe that the parasympathetic nerves stimulate the appearance of the alpha waves. Then, in this presen-tation, I will try to summarize basic physiological knowledge focusing on relaxation, including some con-siderations about various fluctuations of life infor-mation.


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