Triple Skyhook Control Considering Roll-Plane Coupled Motion

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  • 平面運動とロールの連成を考慮したトリプルスカイフック制御の研究
  • ヘイメン ウンドウ ト ロール ノ レンセイ オ コウリョ シタ トリプルスカイフック セイギョ ノ ケンキュウ

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In our previous study, a new control method for ride comfort that is called the triple skyhook control has been proposed. This control method perform as if the vehicle’s sprung mass is hooked by three elements; the spring, damper, and inerter. Since the roll motion is coupled with lateral motion through tire side force, the triple skyhook control as pitch and heave motions is not simply applicable to roll motion. This paper applied the triple skyhook control to roll motion by considering roll-lateral coupled motion, and confirmed the control effect of the proposed method.


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