- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- SUGAI Naito
- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Tokyo Institute of Technology
- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Keio University
- MAKI Kanetaka
- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Waseda Business School
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- スター・サイエンティストの日米比較:東京大学とUCSDに着目して
<p>In this research we used the Clarivate Analytics’ list of HCRs (Highly Cited Researchers) between the years 2014 to 2017. According to the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) provided by Clarivate Analytics, the dataset for each year contains information on scientists who authored articles with top 1% citations during the past 11 years in each of the 21 scientific fields. We compared the HCRs in UCSD and those in UT and found the followings. The number of the female HCRs are not large in both of the universities. The percentage of the female HCRs are relatively higher in UCSD than in UT. The number of the scientists who were selected as HCRs in all of the four years is the higher in UCSD than UT. In UT, most of the HCRs got their Ph.D. at UT. The institute at which Ph.D. was obtained are various in UCSD.</p>
- The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2018 (0), S2110003-, 2018
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390564238093869568
- NII Article ID
- 130007620308
- 24242667
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed