

  • A Study of Fixation and Quantitative Analysis on Crime by Z Score Method
  • Z得点による犯罪の定位と定量的分析の試み--犯罪特性プロフィルによる犯罪の年次推移と地域差の考察
  • Z トクテン ニ ヨル ハンザイ ノ テイイ ト テイリョウテキ ブンセキ ノ
  • 犯罪特性プロフィルによる犯罪の年次推移と地域差の考察



<p>Regarding the number of arrestees by offense as the key to understand a crime, the state how the crime happened was fixed after the method of changing the ratio of arrestees to population into Z score. Then we examined a method of quantitative analysis that cleared up the characteristics of specific crime or the difference between the objects.</p><p>To put it in the concrete, first we changed the ratio to population of arrestees by offense in some specific area or period, into Z score based on the national statistics from 1952to 1978.Then we classified them according to four aspects, that is, main penal code offenses and others,name of offenses, sex, juvenile offenders and adults. Drawing the profiles based on each Z score,we named them ‘crime type profile’, then we tried to clarify the characteristics of each objects and the differences between them.</p><p>This method of ‘crime type profile’ was applied to all penal code offenders in Japan from 1952 to 1983, and juvenile offenders in Hokkaido and Iwate prefecture from 1969to 1981. As a result, the effectiveness of the method was proved out in order to clarify the characteristics of crime in specific period or area, the state of the transition, and differences between some specific areas.</p>


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