

  • Loans and efforts for concerning revival of New Town in Japan Housing Finance Agency
  • 住宅金融支援機構のニュータウン再生に資する融資制度と取組
  • ジュウタク キンユウ シエン キコウ ノ ニュータウン サイセイ ニ シスル ユウシ セイド ト トリクミ



Japan Housing Finance Agency (JHF) is required to maximize its performance as a government agency during the third mid-term period. JHF has been making efforts for resolution of task related to building housing and urban development in the community in collaboration with local government,etc. JHF doesn’t provide fainancing system for revival of New Town, but provides loans for earthquake-resilient renovation aiming to improve the earthquake resistance of housing, before the decease of the borrower only pays interest (after the decease of all of the borrowers JHF requires the inheritors), condominium management associations and unit owners to repair exterior walls etc. I think there is a possibility that we can approach revival of New Town by getting these loans.


  • 都市住宅学

    都市住宅学 2018 (102), 26-31, 2018

    公益社団法人 都市住宅学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

