Immunotherapy Targeting Cancer Stem-Like Cells
- Michifuri Yoshitaka
- 札幌医科大学・医学部・第一病理 札幌医科大学・医学部・口腔外科
- Hirohashi Yoshihiko
- 札幌医科大学・医学部・第一病理
- Hiratsuka Hiroyoshi
- 札幌医科大学・医学部・口腔外科
- Sato Noriyuki
- 札幌医科大学・医学部・第一病理
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- Other Title
- がん幹細胞を標的とした免疫療法
- ガン カンサイボウ オ ヒョウテキ ト シタ メンエキ リョウホウ
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<p>Cancer stem-like cells/ tumor-initiating cells (CSCs/TICs) have been reported in several malignancies. CSCs/TICs are defined as a highly tumorigenic small subpopulation of cancer cells and they are thought to maintain tumor. CSCs/TICs are known to be resistant to standard cancer therapies including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Therefore, CSCs/TICs are thought to be deeply related to distant metastasis and/or recurrence after treatment, and elimination of CSCs/TICs is essential to cure the disease. Cancer immunotherapy research have greatly developed in the last two decades, and now several clinical trials for the cancer immunotherapy have already been launched throughout the world. It is now expected as the fourth standard cancer therapy following operative therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In this review article, we summerize the recent progress of cancer immunotherapy targeting CSCs/TICs, and discuss how it will become to be practicable.</p>
KENBIKYO 46 (2), 100-104, 2011-06-30
The Japanese Society of Microscopy
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390565134809258240
- NII Article ID
- 10029694575
- NII Book ID
- AA11917781
- 24342386
- 13490958
- 11177748
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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