The Catalog of Kimura-Mokurō’s Library:

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  • 木村黙老の蔵書目録攷
  • 木村黙老の蔵書目録攷 : 多和文庫蔵『高松家老臣木村亘所蔵書籍目録残欠』の位置づけ
  • キムラモクロウ ノ ゾウショ モクロクコウ : タワブンコゾウ 『 タカマツカ ロウシン キムラコウショゾウ ショセキ モクロク ザンケツ 』 ノ イチズケ
  • A Bibliographical Study of <i>Takamatsu-ke-rōshin-Kimura-Wataru-shozō-shoseki-mokuroku-zanketsu</i> in the Tawa Library
  • ―多和文庫蔵『高松家老臣木村亘所蔵書籍目録残欠』の位置づけ―

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Kimura-Mokurō, a chief retainer of the Takamatsu domain, was such an avid book collector that Kyokutei-Bakin admiringly wrote about his mania for collecting rare books. Miyogo Kimura and Masayuki Kanda have made known the existence of a catalog of his library, “Sanhan-mokurō-Kimura-shi-zōsho-mokuroku” which is reprinted in Seiyūdō-sōsho edited by Nabeta-Sanzen. But it is far from perfect because it lists just the items he had collected since he came up to Edo. In the Tawa Library of Kagawa Prefecture, however, there is another catalog of his library titled Takamatsu-ke-rōshin-Kimura-Wataru-shozō-shoseki-mokuroku-zanketsu. Although it is mentioned in Kagawa-ken-shi and other local documents, it has not been sufficiently studied. While verifying its authenticity through an analysis of handwriting, this article examines the catalog to identify the sourcebooks of Kimura’s works and elucidate his cultural background. The catalog is excellent enough to be utilized as a sort of search engine for his collection.


  • Kinsei Bungei

    Kinsei Bungei 110 (0), 15-29, 2019

    Nihon kinsei bungaku kai (The Japanese Early Modern Literature Association)

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