The Processes of Handover of Village Office Documents(<i>murayakuba bunsho </i>村役場文書)in the Late Meiji Period
- TOMIZEN Kazutoshi
- Resources and Historical Collections Office(Shiryo−shitsu),The Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
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- Other Title
- 明治後期村役場文書の引き継ぎ
- 明治後期村役場文書の引き継ぎ : 東京府北多摩郡砂川村と愛媛県東宇和郡魚成村との比較から
- メイジ コウキ ムラヤクバ ブンショ ノ ヒキツギ : トウキョウ フ キタタマグン スナガワムラ ト エヒメケン ヒガシウワグンギョセイムラ ト ノ ヒカク カラ
- A Comparison of Sunagawa Village (Sunagawa-mura 砂川村) and Uonashi Village (Uonashi-mura 魚成村)
- 東京府北多摩郡砂川村と愛媛県東宇和郡魚成村との比較から
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<p>This paper examines the handover of village office documents under the municipal government system by comparing the 1903 handover list of Sunagawa Village, Kitatama District, Tokyo, with that of Uonashi Village,Higashiuwa District, Ehime Prefecture. Five points are noted here: The two have the following in common:(1)They each had two separate handover lists, one from the village mayor and one from the treasurer,(2)Although their survival rate was comparatively high, the number of early modern era documents is small. The differences between the two are as follows,(3)While a document storage period schedule was not employed in Sunagawa Village, such a period was employed in Uonashi Village,(4)Although in Sunagawa Village, the succession of the village mayor reflected the documentation format of the handover list and the district government office played a strong guiding role, the intervention of the district government office was minimal in Uonashi Village,(5)While many family registerrelated documents and documents predating the municipal government system were included on the handover list in Sunagawa Village, these documents were rarely on the Uonashi Village list.</p>
- Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science
Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science 20 (0), 52-69, 2014-05-31
The Japan Society for Archival Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390565134824883200
- NII Article ID
- 130007794290
- NII Book ID
- AA12003704
- 24346144
- 1349578X
- 025604830
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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