Verification of validity of Auto Tracking from NESSiE Non-contact Measurement System for swallowing function

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  • 非接触嚥下評価装置NESSiEによる自動計測の妥当性の検証
  • ヒセッショクエンカ ヒョウカ ソウチ NESSiE ニ ヨル ジドウ ケイソク ノ ダトウセイ ノ ケンショウ

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Parameters for evaluating the swallowing function include the larynx's upward and forward amount of movement, the time from the start of swallowing to the maximum rise. Now, only one system the Swallowing video fluoroscopic examination of swallowing(VF) can get parameters quantitatively. But, to Quantify with VF , health care workers have to work so hard. So , we developed NESSiE Non-contact Measurement System for swallowing function. We describe how to verify the larynx's upward whether NESSiE works correctly by comparing VF . And,We found that the first example include error within ±3mm that is target.


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