A Study on Hydraulic Performance of Portable Darrieus-type Turbine for Shallow Flow in Sloped Side Gutter

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  • 傾斜側溝の浅水流におけるポータブルダリウス水車の水力性能に関する考察
  • ケイシャ ソッコウ ノ センスイリュウ ニ オケル ポータブルダリウス スイシャ ノ スイリョク セイノウ ニ カンスル コウサツ

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<p>A shallow-water flow in gutter is one of pico-hydropower. In order to extract the power effectively, a Darrieus turbine system of dammed type has been proposed. By adopting a portable type of turbine system, a flood due to heavy rain or blockage of garbage flowing might be avoided. Due to dammed type turbine, the upstream water level of the turbine becomes higher than the downstream one. The head difference between the up- and the down-streams of the dammed type turbine contributes the power generation further increasing in comparison with no dammed type. In the case of a shallow flow, as the upstream water level is higher than the blade span-length of Darrieus turbine with the vertical axis, a whole of water enters over the full of span length in upstream path of Darrieus blade rotating while water passes over only a lower part of it in downstream path of blade rotating. In order to clarify the guiding line of the higher performance design of Darrieus turbine in the case of a shallow-water flow in gutter, a dammed type of turbine was examined experimentally. As the result, the effect of downstream water level against the blade span length on the performance is cleared after the relation between the inclination of gutter and the turbine performance was reconfirmed.</p>


  • Turbomachinery

    Turbomachinery 47 (10), 589-596, 2019

    Turbomachinery Society of Japan

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