Analysis of Residence Preference Considering Heterogeneity of Household in Local Area with Tsunami Risk

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  • 世帯特性を考慮した居住地選好の分析
  • 審査付 世帯特性を考慮した居住地選好の分析 : 津波リスクを有する地方圏を対象として
  • シンサ ツキ セタイ トクセイ オ コウリョ シタ キョジュウチセン コウ ノ ブンセキ : ツナミ リスク オ ユウスル チホウケン オ タイショウ ト シテ
  • 津波リスクを有する地方圏を対象として

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<p>Residence preferences are probably affected by tsunami risk. How much does heterogeneity influence the residence preferences in local areas that are at risk of tsunamis? The present residential environment and stated residence preferences were therefore investigated using an online questionnaire survey. Residents planning to move in local areas with tsunami risk were targeted for the survey. A binary logit model was fitted to this residence preference model using a database obtained using the questionnaire survey. As a result, the impact of the maximum inundation depth following tsunami is clearly greater in households that intend to live in detached houses. Mutual assistance and recognition of future potential was found to increase the willingness to continue living in the current area.</p>


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