

  • The Change of Education Stategies of Mothers in Intermarriages: A Comparison of the Stages of Growth of the Children of Urban Chinese Women
  • 特定課題研究 国際結婚した中国出身母親の教育戦略とその変容 : 子どもの成長段階による比較
  • トクテイ カダイ ケンキュウ コクサイ ケッコン シタ チュウゴク シュッシン ハハオヤ ノ キョウイク センリャク ト ソノ ヘンヨウ : コドモ ノ セイチョウ ダンカイ ニ ヨル ヒカク



<p>This is an article based on personal interviews about the education strategies of Chinese women married to Japanese men and living in a semi-rural city of Japan. All of the women have children in high school. In order to clarify the differences in the education strategies by school level, this work compares their eperiences with other personal interviews from three Chinese women with children in elementary school in the same area.</p><p>The aim of this article is to understand the difference of education strategies that the Chinese mothers in intermarriages use based on school level, and to explore the education strategies, such as language selection and school selection, and the causes of changes. The Chinese women have taken education strategies that place ‘Independence’ and ‘Mobility’ as important, based on their own experiences as immigrants. As their children progress through school, the mother’s views on ‘Independence’ are clarified more in respect to the school or an abstract expectation of future occupations. The paper demonstrates that in addition to geographic movement between countries, we should consider class movement, based on how the women assimilate to broader values in Japanese society.</p><p>As a result, by taking the strategy of respecting the child’s decision, the children who grew up in Japanese society have assimilated to Japanese social values, including an emphasis on gender response to the influence of sexual division of roles of Japan. These features will be different from images of Chinese urban families. Thus, this paper brings into focus the changes in education strategies undertaken by Chinese mothers, even in settings they are not used to.</p>


  • 異文化間教育

    異文化間教育 39 (0), 15-32, 2014-03-31


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