Examination of Related Factors of Nurses’ Attitudes toward Terminal Care of Schizophrenic Patients in Psychiatric Hospitals in Japan
- Araki Takaharu
- Faculty of Nursing, Osaka Medical College
- Urizaki Takao
- Faculty of Nursing, Osaka Medical College
- Yamauchi Saika
- Faculty of Nursing, Osaka Medical College
- Komatsu Hisashi
- Department of Nursing, Iwakura Hospital
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- Other Title
- 精神科病院における統合失調症患者に対するターミナルケアの実態と看護師の態度
- セイシンカ ビョウイン ニ オケル トウゴウ シッチョウショウ カンジャ ニ タイスル ターミナルケア ノ ジッタイ ト カンゴシ ノ タイド
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<p>The objective of this study is to examine the actual state of terminal care for schizophrenic patients in psychiatric hospitals, as well as the related factors of nursing attitudes toward terminal care. We conducted a questionnaire survey via postal mail of one nurse per facility in 973 psychiatric hospital facilities nationwide. We collected 142 questionnaire surveys (response rate: 14.6%), and analyzed 79 with valid responses. The results of the qualitative analysis indicated that nurses in psychiatric hospitals practice nursing while respecting the wishes of the patients and their families, despite having insufficient equipment and manpower. However, this practice is accompanied by various difficulties, such as the psychiatric hospitals being isolated, making them unable to obtain support from other hospitals, as well as nurses having difficulties in confirming the intentions of patients. The study results indicated that nurses viewed nursing negatively because of these factors. Meanwhile, the quantitative analysis indicated that nursing attitudes toward terminal health care are positive, if (1) there are adequate facilities and manpower, (2) there is an emotional support system for patients and their families, (3) there is little anxiety about providing nursing for physical complications, and (4) there is strong teamwork within the nursing organization.</p>
- Journal of Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 28 (2), 57-68, 2019-11-30
The Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390566775147460352
- NII Article ID
- 130007866535
- NII Book ID
- AN10478677
- 2432101X
- 09180621
- 030233481
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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