

  • The Comparison of daily Lifestyle between Japanese and Chinese in middle-aged and older adults
  • ニッチュウ チュウコウネンシャ ノ セイカツ シュウカン ニ ツイテ



<p>  Japan and China are close neighbors geographically, and have similar cultures, but are quite different socio-economically. There have been few comparative studies of the two countries. The purpose of this study was to compare daily lifestyle between Japanese and Chinese middle-aged adults. The subjects were 1420 (222 Japanese males and 522 females, 235 Chinese males and 441 females middle-aged and older adults), aged over age 40-70. The comparative study included a 12 part questionnaire which surveyed each person's lifestyles, daily habits, and health awareness; a six item of physical fitness; and a one week pedometer count to measure each person's daily activity. </p><p>  The main results can be summarized as follows: </p><p>  1. Both Chinese height and weight were significantly greater than that of the Japanese, and their body fat were higher as well. </p><p>  2. In diet, Japanese rated healthier in intake of meats and fish, vegetables and fruit, and milk and dairy products. </p><p>  3. Most Japanese expressed the opinion that a little alcohol was not harmful to one's health while any amount of smoking was harmful. </p><p>  4. It has been observed that Japanese have a greater knowledge and understanding of modern medicine and they attempt to incorporate that knowledge in their daily lives in order to improve their health, while Chinese on the other hand, base their decisions regarding health on long-standing traditions and customs rather than on medical knowledge.</p>


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