Bone homeostasis and mechano-biology

  • Nakashima Tomoki
    Department of Cell Signaling, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (AMED-CREST)

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Other Title
  • 骨恒常性とメカノバイオロジー


<p>The weight-bearing exercises help to build bones and to maintain them strength. Bone is constantly renewed by the balanced action of osteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption both of which mainly occur at the bone surface. This restructuring process called "bone remodeling" is important not only for normal bone mass and strength, but also for mineral homeostasis. Bone remodeling is stringently regulated by communication between bone component cells such as osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes. An imbalance of this process is often linked to various bone diseases. During bone remodeling, resorption by osteoclasts precedes bone formation by osteoblasts. Based on the osteocyte location within the bone matrix and the cellular morphology, it is proposed that osteocytes potentially contribute to the regulation of bone remodeling in response to mechanical and endocrine stimuli. </p>


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