- タイトル別名
- Production of Newly-designed Impact-sliding-type Vibration Power Generator using Fe-Co-V Ferromagnetic Alloy and Its Application
- Fe-Co-V ジセイ ゴウキン オ モチイタ ショウゲキ スライドガタ ギャクジワイシキ シンドウ ハツデンキ ノ シサク ト ヒョウカ
In this work, a newly-designed impact-sliding type vibration power generator using a Fe-Co-V ferromagnetic alloy rod was fabricated and its power generation properties were evaluated. As a result, the open circuit peak-to-peak voltage was 60.4 Vpp and the voltage with 1 kΩ resistor was 32.7 Vpp at maximum. The maximum electric energy obtained with this generator was 253 μJ. It was also found that the induced voltage and the total power increased with increasing number of coil turns. Furthermore, the generator produced in this work was tentatively applied for the power source of a sensor and wireless communication devices and it was found that the generator supplied those devices with electricity, the temperature data were successfully sent to a PC with an USB wireless receiver.
- 職業能力開発研究誌
職業能力開発研究誌 33 (1), 36-41, 2017
独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構 職業能力開発総合大学校