
  • 中島 千晴


  • Taxonomic studies of <i>Cercospora</i> and allied genera in Japan
  • 日本産Cercospora属とその関連属菌の分類学的研究
  • ニホンサン Cercosporaゾク ト ソノ カンレンゾクキン ノ ブンルイガクテキ ケンキュウ



<p> The genus Cercospora was established by Fresenius in 1863. Since then, the number of species increased to more than 3000. Most of the species are known as plant pathogens that have long been classified under one genus even though they are extreamely varied morphologically. In the 1970's, Deighton re-examined many Cercospora species on the basis of morphological characteristics. On the other hand, in Japan, Katsuki published a monograph of Japanese Cercospora species based on Chupp's old concept. In his paper, 226 species of Cercospora were described. Thereafter no critical studies have been done on Japanese species of Cercospora and allied genera. Hence, our studies were aimed to re-examine and re-describe the Cercospora and allied genera in Japan based on new criteria. Thus contributing to resolution of the confusion with the nomenclatural problems in the Japanese species, and pvovide taxonomical studies on the Japanese Cercospora and similar fungi based on the new genus concept. In this paper, new genus concept, the points of distinction on morphological characteristics of these genera and some additional notes are described.</p>


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