When and How is Left-Dislocation Used in Japanese?

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  • 日本語の左方転位構文はいつ,どのように使われるか?
  • ニホンゴ ノ サホウ テンイ コウブン ワ イツ,ドノ ヨウ ニ ツカワレル カ?

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<p>Though the features of Japanese left-dislocation have been described focusing on the function of information structure or the problem of whether it is spoken language or written language, these abstract descriptions have not been fully examined in practice. Based on the idea of a “multiple-grammar model,” which assumes that grammar differs in each concrete language environment (genre), this paper analyzed Japanese left-dislocation based on a cross-corpus investigation. Two points were clarified: (1) left-dislocation in Japanese is related to discourse development that is larger than the information structure level and is primarily divided into <introduction or summary> or <item indication or commentary insertion> types; (2) the Japanese left-dislocation characteristics are related to a genre that assumes there is an imbalanced relationship between the speaker and the listener, which can be called “solo performance monologue”. To clarify the various genres assumed in this multiple-grammar model, it is important to adopt an approach that starts from concrete linguistic expressions, as in this paper, and specifies the genre characteristics of these linguistic expressions.</p>


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