Systematics and species diversity of yeasts

  • NAKASE Takashi
    Japan Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)

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Other Title
  • 酵母の系統分類と種多様性に関する研究
  • コウボ ノ ケイトウ ブンルイ ト シュ タヨウセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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<p> Isolation studies of ballistosporous yeasts were carried out in the Asia-Pacific region, and the following new species were found in the phyllosphere of the Main Island of Japan, the Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Thailand, New Zealand, and Yunnan Province of China: Bensingtonia ingoldii, B. intermedia, B. miscanthi, B. naganoensis, B. musae, B. sakaguchii, B. subrosea, B. thailandica, B. yamatoana; Bullera boninensis, B. coprosmaensis, B. hannae, B. huiaensis, B. miyagiana, B. mrakii, B. oryzae, B. penniseticola, B. pseudoalba, B. schimicola, B. unica, B. variabilis, B. waltii; Kockovaella imperatae, K. machilophila, K.phaffii, K. sacchari, K. schimae, K. thailandica; Sporobolomyces blumeae, S. coprosmae, S. coprosmicola, S. dimmenae, S. draycophyllus, S. falcatus, S. griseoflavus, S. inositophilus, S. lactophilus, S. linderae, S. novazealandicus, S. nylandii, S. oryzicola, S. poonsookiae, S. ruber, S. sasicola, S. subbrunneus, S. taupoensis, S. vermiculatus, S. xanthus, S. yunnanensis; Udeniomyces megalosporus. Yeast species containing Q-10 (H2), a monohydrated ubiquinone, have long been considered to be rare. However, these yeasts were proved to be common in the tropical and subtropical phyllosphere of Asia.</p>



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