Rearrangement of a local community through traditional sports:

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  • 思考を開き,生活世界を組み直すことと「伝統スポーツ」をすることの可能性:
  • 思考を開き,生活世界を組み直すことと「伝統スポーツ」をすることの可能性 : 岩手県久慈市山形町における「平庭闘牛」の場合
  • シコウ オ ヒラキ,セイカツ セカイ オ クミ ナオス コト ト 「 デントウ スポーツ 」 オ スル コト ノ カノウセイ : イワテケン クジシ ヤマガタチョウ ニ オケル 「 ヒラニワ トウギュウ 」 ノ バアイ
  • Focusing on “Hiraniwa bullfighting” in Iwate prefecture
  • 岩手県久慈市山形町における「平庭闘牛」の場合

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In Japan, traditional bullfighting has officially survived in 6 prefectures, including Niigata and Okinawa. Yamagata in Iwate prefecture is a typical town in a mountain area that faces depopulation, similar to other rural areas in Japan. Since the 1980s, the town has been holding an annual bullfighting event (“Hiraniwa bullfighting”) and it is now recognized as a significant regional cultural-economic resource. The present study attempted to analyze the characteristic of Hiraniwa bullfighting by examining its historical development process and the ways in which people in rural Japan can rethink and rearrange their lifestyle and social design by practicing a traditional sport.<br>  Chapter 2 summarizes the relationship between Yamagata and cattle based on folk-historical materials and considers the socio-cultural context of the origin of Hiraniwa bullfighting. An analysis of the data clarifies the significance of cattle as an economically important resource in Yamagata. Some inhabitants of Yamagata have made their living by keeping cattle since the Edo period. Keeping cattle has enabled them to subsist in the severe natural environment of such a rural and mountainous location.<br>  Chapter 3 details the development process of the Hiraniwa bullfight considering the interaction between Yamagata and other places where bullfighting is held. People in Yamagata have not only raised bulls but also bred them for bull owners in other areas. This is because they are also stock farmers who breed short-horn cattle (tankaku gyu)as well as being bull owners or sometimes bull motivators (seko). In Yamagata, being a stock farmer and a bull owner are inseparable. This social context makes Hiraniwa bullfighting different from other bullfighting cultures in Japan.<br>  Chapter 4 describes the development of short-horn cattle breeding in Yamagata since the latter half of the 20th century, focusing on its relationship with the daichi wo mamoru kai, which is a kind of consumer organization for promotion of organic food. As short-horn beef has less fat than other Japanese wagyu brands, so that the daichi wo mamoru kai has preferred to buy a short-horn beef more than other brand beefs. The connection between Yamagata and the daichi wo mamoru kai has eventually brought not only economic prosperity but also symbolic value to the town through production of short-horn beef.<br>  Thus it has been shown that Hiraniwa bullfighting is an important focus of cultural expression in Yamagata and also a process through which local people can rethink and rearrange their way of life.



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