

  • Language and Boundaries
  • 言語と境界 : ボスニア紛争と和平プロセスにおける翻訳通訳
  • ゲンゴ ト キョウカイ : ボスニア フンソウ ト ワヘイ プロセス ニ オケル ホンヤク ツウヤク
  • Translation and Interpreting in the Bosnian Conflict and Peace Processes
  • −ボスニア紛争と和平プロセスにおける翻訳通訳−



While more than a quarter of a century has passed since the end of the Cold War, globally, wars and conflicts are unending. Translation and interpreting play a crucial role in international conflict and peace processes. This study focuses on the new phenomenon and practice of translation and interpreting observed in the Bosnian conflict and its peace processes, and explores the challenges and roles of translation and interpreting from the perspective of the languages and boundaries of modern post-Cold War nations. The study reveals how the ethnic conflict constructed language boundaries causing the necessity of translation and interpreting between nations who previously spoke the same language. The study demonstrates that it is vital to reconsider the premise of the boundaries of language, and translation and interpreting should focus on the commonness, rather than the differences, between languages in the interest of multicultural coexistence in a globalized world.


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