Concrete Pumping Safety and Latest Concrete Pumping Technology Developments
- Urano S.
- 清水建設(株)技術研究所
- Nakata Y.
- 日本大学理工学部建築学科
- Yanai S.
- 鹿島建設(株)土木管理本部 土木技術部
- Hashimoto C.
- 徳島大学大学院 社会産業理工学研究部 理工域 社会基盤デザイン系
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- コンクリート圧送における安全および技術の動向
- コンクリート アッソウ ニ オケル アンゼン オヨビ ギジュツ ノ ドウコウ
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<p>Various issues related to pumping concrete with concrete pumps have been pointed out. These include the occurrence of accidents and the lack of a unified pumping load calculation method. The Committee on Concrete Pumping Technologies, which gathers information on the latest trends in pumping technology, conducted as a safety study an analysis of accidents involving pumping and a survey on the status of conveying pipe management methods. Further, as an investigation of pumping plans, the Committee conducted a survey on issues related to pumping planning, and regarding pumpability, it conducted a survey on differences in this regard among the concrete-related guidelines of academic societies. Based on the “Report of the Committee on Concrete Pumping Technologies”, published in June 2019, which presents the results of two years of activities by the Committee, this paper describes the findings.</p>
- Concrete Journal
Concrete Journal 58 (3), 209-216, 2020
Japan Concrete Institute
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390568772523730048
- NII Article ID
- 130007993292
- NII Book ID
- AN00094169
- 21862753
- 03871061
- 030303103
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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